Well this the love poem for my loved one.. lol..

Eyes of beauty that pierce the skin
a heart full of love that lays within
skin so soft and smooth to touch
are just a few things about you, i have come to love
the flow of your hair and and heart warming smile
the feeling when i hold you a while
the sweet nothings and i love you's
and all the little things you do
the smile you bring when you smile at me
never has my heart felt so free
all the small talk or none at all
i even love the goodnight calls
i love everything about you
in every single way
like whenever where together
i would love to hold you in my arm
or just to sit in silence arm in arm
a love so strong that can't be harmed
i love you more than words can describe
so much love you just couldn't hide

'I love you'

Urm today i would like to talk about myself.. i found that there bit difference in me myself recently. i think i became a quiet guy and would like to keep things to myself. i would rather keep to myself than spilling my thought out. For examples, i would like to tell my friends that how not happy am i but then after awhile i just kept quiet and kept everything. I dunno whether it's a good thing o not but then i did feel the difference in myself.
urm i also feel quite stressed recently and i didnt tell anyone about it. My exam is coming soon guys. just arond the corner. i feel so unprepared and i dunno what to do with it.. i felt soso frus..
Then this turn me become a guy who would like to keep things ki. lol it's very hard to explain in words..
i feel so tired recently..
well does it consider emo ma? i dont think so gua.. haha i just wanna tell you guys how i feel recently haha... there something wrong with this tortoise............... SOB

today i don't think is a good day for me. Things like didn't go well and i didn't know why. This is the feeling of sad boy. I felt disappointed that i did not get any comfort from you. you choose to be quiet and take that like there's nothing happened. I dont know the reason why. what i know is that i really need comfort from you when i am not happy. i thought you could be a place for me to lean on when i am not happy. where do you expect for me to get the comfort.. if it's not from you?? I know i should not been asking too much from you, but i just wish to get a little bit of comfort from you when i not happy. please don't remain quiet when there something happened. i thought i can share things with you, but then you just keep quiet. just to tell you this.. whenever there things happened, i wish that you could come and comfort me but when i see that you just remain quiet.. my feeling just got worse and felt sad deep inside my heart. I hope that you will at least show some care to me when i not happy.
I love you.. i care for you more than i care for myself.
i know that i made you down today and i apologise for that.. sorry..
wish could see you happy again..

This is the true feeling from my friend. He very sad today so hope that he will feel better with his gf. He told me that tomorrow will be an important day to him.

Hey guys i would like to talk about friendship today. let me ask you guys a question? what is a true friendship? or what do u guys think when this question come into your mind? well for me...True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it be lost. i think we should appreciate our friends before we lose them in our life. I don't think there anyone could live without friends as friends really play an important role in our life.Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. Friend can be someone who can give us happiness in our life, can be someone to share our problem with.. and someone who can comfort us when we met problems. My friends are my estate. Although sometimes there might be conflict between you and your friends, things will still recover back to the past if we tolerate or control our temper.A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.A friend is one who walks in when others walk out. please appreciate your friends. Friendship is co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more people. I think most of you guys will agree with me that friendship is nothing more than the trustworthy that someone or something will not harm them. well.. MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AND BASIC THINGS IN HAVING A STRONG FRIENDSHIP.
As a conclusion, True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.
I hope from now on.. you guys will appreciate friends around you so that you guys wont repent...
Try to tolerate and talk things out nicely with your friends but not to let go your anger at your friends easily. i don't think there's anyone will like about it.
try to find out the truth before you misunderstand your friends so that things wont get worse between you and your friend.
well i have just been misunderstand by my friend recently and i felt kinda sad because i felt that i am innocent enough to become a place for him or her to let his or her anger off at me. i think that he should find out the truth or think twice before he or she act. There is no offence in this post. It's just some simple advice from me, friend..

hey guys i will update my blog asap bout my badminton competition at Swinburne. Haha i will try to upload some picture for you guys. well i made into the semis in men single event which is a real surprise for me haha lol... i expected to do better in double event but then my double was knocked down at second round. I felt quite disappointed with it.. sob sob....

Tonight, I will be going Swinburne for my badminton competition.
Remember to support me! I hope I will do well in this competition.
I will be playing against a malay in my singles tonight around 7.30.
please be there to support me yea!! Wish me luck!
After my single, i will have my double at 10.00.. haha and against malay too.. urm hope i can make it to the 2nd round.
For my single, i will be meeting an ex- state player if i can make it into the 2nd round as he is the 4th seed for single event. So you can say that how bad is my draw. My draw is better than yiphowe's draw. He will be meeting the ex-SBA player in the first round while I'll only be meeting the ex-state player in the 2nd round. Good luck to yiphowe! Jia you! Remember to add oil hahah!


i'm going to join a baddie competition soon. This Saturday.. Haha.. it's Swinburne invitation badminton competition. This time i will be partnering back my old partner, Kevin in this cominc competition. lolz.. and i will be participating in single event too. i know it's unbelievable haha i cant believe that i playing my single back haha. i put on lots of weight recently. and i think FAT is the only word that you can use to describe me haha.. well i hope you guys can support me for my single haha i might let you guys down but i will try my best and i trying to control my food cosumption recently haha. trying to tahan for the supper part haha.
I will be given a school shirt for representing my school in that competition haha.. i wanted to have a school t-shirt long time ago haha esp the RED one. It's so nice and i love it a lot. haha.. i guess there will be many people joining the competition this saturday. haha it will be very fun i guess.
hope i can win something in this competition.
i trying my best to recover from my sickness recently. i have been sicked since last week and i played badly in my last few matched. i cant even believe that how badly i played haha and i always feel like vomitting during the game. i drink lots of water recently.. just to feel better.. and ate some medicine. haha i hope i can play well tonight yea haha.

I will try my best in this coming competition. I hope my campus friends can aso support those who joining the competition. we wont let you guys down haha..

Hello guys.. JPA results just out last night right and i know you guys are very nervous and anxious about the result. I would like to congrats those who selected to go under JPA programme and would like to ask those who not selected.. Dont have to feel disappointed o what. You guys still have lots of ways to choose.. just dont give up yea!! remember This!!
Where you start doesnt mean where you end.

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