Yesterday, 24th of Oct was the saddest day in my life. I never such disappointed in my life before. The feeling is just like you gave in so much but you got nothing in return. i wish everything would get better but those hurtful words are still in my mind and they are kept repeating in my mind. still can feel the pain and i duno what to do anymore...
i hope things i did you will remember. I cant do anything if you choose to forget about it.
i never felt so much before and i gave in the most this time.


This is the table of my practical results.

This is before the presentation start because i wanna to prove that i draw the graph myself but not download from any website

During my presentation.............

Hello sorry for the late update of my blog. haha on the 8th of Oct, i had my Biology presentation. Well my title of my presentation is ' To determine the vitamin C content of various fruit juice' I dont really have time to prepare for it because i have lots of homework and essays to do. I only prepare my slides on Wed night. One day before my presentation. I felt kinda rusty in doing all those slides esp in drawing my own table and graph. Graph took my time the most haha! I started to do my slide at 9 and finished around 12. I felt kinda of happy and cant wait to present my slide.because i felt so proud with my graph haha.. lol. In the next morning, i woke up quite early to check and go through my slides again to check if i missed out anything o not. My Biology started at 10.

I felt bit nervous during the presentation. But everything still went well for me i think haha. until my teacher asked me question that i dont really know how to answer haha.. I felt happy afterall. I think i managed to understand the practical better when i was doing the slide haha. it helps a lot haha.
Anyway i would like to thanks my teacher for giving me such great opportunity to do some presentation. I think it benefits me alot. Lol haha thanks to my Bio teacher.

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