I think blog is really a suitable place for me to express how i feel. Actually today every things go well smoothly i can say.. but then till there someone who talk to me like i did something wrong to him or her. Damn.. cant you talk nicely to someone? I believe everyone do know this manner or simple polite. If you want people talk nicely to you, just talk nicely back to people. Then you will gain respects from others. I'm sure you understand this manner too.
Yea i admit i did something wrong and i'm ready to apologise but if only you talk to people in a polite manner. you dont raise up your voice or what. There will be alternative solutions to solve that problem and you dont have to make it seem like i ruin the whole things.
More over, please appreciate things that people do. Please dont think that others didnt do anything while you are the only one who do all the things. Dont comment on others effort. I didnt say anything when you cant make it or what. where were you when others are working things out? If you think that others cant do things perfectly or as you wanted, why dont you do those things urself? huh?
I'm really disappointed~
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